"Tour of the Body" Series: Understanding Your Anatomy

Why This Series?

Why I’m writing this series, is because I see a variety of patients. I’ve worked with wee ones as young as 2 weeks old and wise ones in their 90s. What I notice time and time again is how few of my patients know where their organs are or what they do. Heck, I didn’t really know until I went through college and med school. I remember feeling just as confused before I went through all that training.

Why is it that we spend most of middle school learning the geography of the US, the capitals, even the state birds, yet most people can’t point to their liver or know what their pituitary gland does? Once you start to learn it, you see how crucial it is and how disempowering it can be to be so confused about the body. Part of my mission is to help you be sovereign, to be your own best care taker. It’s hard to feel in charge when you don’t even know what’s going on.

Did You Know?

Hence, this body tour. If you’re here, you’ve probably done a body scan meditation at some point or have been told how important your vagus nerve is. Did you know there are actually two vagus nerves? For some reason, they're always referred to in the singular, but you have a right and a left vagus nerve. Did you know that your small intestines, which help digest food, have the absorptive surface area of a tennis court and are only one cell layer thick? One cell. Amazing, right?

"The Magic School Bus" For Lunch with Mrs. Frizzle learning about the body.

Join the Journey

If content like this is your gig, please subscribe below & follow me on social media for more engaging content on natural and energetic health. I’ll release a new body series post each week. I hope they inspire you to get to know your body and all its functions. I also invite you to ask me your questions on natural and energetic health.



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