Craniosacral Therapy in San Diego

What is craniosacral therapy (CST)?
Healing Touch
Craniosacral therapy is my true love! And honestly, it’s challenging to describe. The best way to explain it is to experience it.
It utilizes the healing power of touch. And touch is primal. It’s one of our senses, and it’s really the first one we understand at an instinctual level that lets us know we’re safe. Before sights, sounds, smells, or taste, there’s touch; the reassuring touch that we’re not alone, that we’re held, that we are loved.
CST is a hybrid of bodywork and energy work. It’s powerful, safe, and extremely gentle.
If you want the nerdy-wordy history and science head to the blog.
Safe & Gentle
CST is safe for almost anyone with very few contraindications. It’s helpful for anything from birth recovery, back pain and digestive issues, to anxiety, PTSD, TMJ, migraines, vertigo, autoimmune conditions, foot problems (of which I specialize) and more.
It works with the whole body, as well as the source(s) of pain and dysfunction. Because, let’s face it, the whole body is connected.
Just because we sprained our ankle doesn’t mean we only experience that pain in our ankle. We have to walk differently now, so that changes how we bear our weight, which changes how our hips align; maybe we need crutches, so now our shoulders are scrunched; now maybe we have a headache, then we don’t sleep as well…you see what I’m getting at. The body does this kind of maneuvering all the time with a myriad of stressors (mental, emotional, physical), from the acute to the chronic.
With craniosacral therapy I treat you as a distinct individual. I get in touch with your body and give it the support it needs to unwind its dysfunctional patterns, physically and energetically, to move you back into an expression of health.
Sometimes this can mean that even though two patients are coming in for depression, where that originates or is held in the body can be in the pelvis with patient A, or in the jaw with patient B!
Our bodies are masters of redistributing tension and function. It’s my job to listen, translate, guide, and inevitably invite each body to its next realization of health.

How you’ll feel
Deeply relaxed, aligned, Uplifted, renewed
What to Expect
To deeply release tension. Your job is to receive, notice, and come home to your own body.
Craniosacral therapy is conducted fully clothed, face up on a (heated) massage table.
Some people tend to get chilly with the work because it’s so relaxing, so I will often have a blanket optionally available (or you may bring your own), and do recommend that you bring a pair of cozy socks, just in case.
Depending on what comes up in your session I may relay things I notice about what your body is unwinding. This is also optional based on your preference.
Some patients like the “play-by-play” narration of the experience to help them understand and be in touch with their bodies. For others, they can feel it, and simply enjoy the unwinding & meditative state. Both and any combination are beautiful and powerful.